Friday, March 22, 2013

A Rest Week and a Birthday Marathon

On Wednesday I got all four of my wisdom teeth out.

The first thing I asked was "when can I run again?" to which the dentist replied, "7 days."

WTF man? I reiterated my frustration again in sign language after they gave me the gas. P.S. Get the gas. It's awesome.

I'm still debating with myself on how long to actually hold off. The internet can be your best friend ("I ran the next day and was fine!") and your worst enemy ("I ran 5 days later and got the most horrible infection ever!"). Sometimes it's best not to even google it.

Luckily, right now, I don't have enough energy to run anyway. None of my teeth were impacted so they just pulled them right out, which left behind four lovely open sockets just waiting to get stuck with food. So, I've been sticking with smoothies, yogurt, applesauce, and chocolate pudding. No carbo loading going on over here.

OJ, greek yogurt, 2 bananas, mango, blueberries, and two spoonfuls of almond butter
While I'm loathing my running hiatus however, I've been busy making plans for future running. I really wanted to run a marathon this spring. I didn't want to run one in April (too soon!) and I couldn't find a good one in June, so that left May. May is already pretty busy. I am running Ragnar Cape Cod on May 3rd and 4th as an ultra team (31.5 miles for me) and running a local 50k on Memorial Day weekend.

After thinking long and hard I decided to go ahead and sign up for the Delaware Marathon on May 12th. Its only 8 days after Ragnar, but I think if I take it slow and consider doing a zero week in the days leading up to marathon, I will be fine. Plus, this race is within an hour's drive and my birthday is on the 11th. Frankly, there's nothing I rather do on my birthday weekend than run a marathon! Five years ago it would have been spent at the bar. Times sure do change.

Oh, and Alyssa is running it too. The last time/only time we hung out was miles 44-50 at JFK, which is obviously the perfect time to get to know someone after you've been running for 9+ hours straight.


  1. The wisdom teeth thing seems to really affect people differently. I was fine within 2 days but have known others that take quite awhile to recover as well. Planning races seems like a good tactic during recovery though!

  2. I feel like it's almost as though we survived a war together! I JUST (like literally one minute ago) found out that I have grad class the night of my 30th birthday this summer. Running a marathon sounds way better. Also, I had laughing gas when I got my wisdom teeth out and HATED it so much!

  3. My dentist told me if I was badass enough to run the next day I could. I stayed awake though so maybe it's different?


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