Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Looking Ahead: Fall 2012 Race Plans

At the end of last year I posted a tentative 2012 race calendar that had all sorts of crazy stuff going on in the fall, like 2-3 marathons and 1-2 50 milers. Like I said, crazy. After my injury however, I'm realizing that less may be least for now.

It's about that time of year when fall registrations open up (if they haven't already) and you've got to decide if you want to bite the bullet or miss getting your spot. After a few days of going back and forth, I decided to withdraw my name from the New York Marathon lottery. Let's face it, the odds were most likely not ever in my favor anyway. But if they were, then there were two things that I would be sacrificing:

1) 255 precious dollars
2) Running the JFK 50, which is two weeks later

Not to say that I couldn't run New York and JFK, but if I'm going to drop the big bucks on NYC then I want to race, not tiptoe along 26.2 miles because I should actually be one week into a three week taper for a 50 mile race.

So, all that aside, here's how the fall is shaping up:

September 8: Tough Mudder Mid-Atlantic
Mike's pick. I don't really care for purposefully excessive amounts of mud and obstacles that are strategically placed in the way of my 12 mile run, but he's really into it, and now we have seven people on the team, so it might be cool.

Who needs a Tough Mudder when you've got rainy day trails to run on?

September 22-23: Ragnar Relay DC
Still a work in progress. If anyone is interested in joining a team, please let me know! The last Ragnar I did knocked my socks off and I got to hang out with a bunch of assume strangers who became my friends. If you've never done one, I highly recommend!

October 13: Baltimore Marathon
I really wanted to do a road marathon this fall, but since the timing of New York was not ideal, I opted for Baltimore instead. We have lots of friends and family in the vicinity so travel wise it will be a cinch. The only con: the freaking hills!

At least miles 3-10 will be nice

November 17: JFK 50
Cost me $50 less than New York and it's twice the distance. A deal you cannot beat! It will also fall on the anniversary of my first marathon last year, so that's pretty nice too. I may have lost the opporunity to run 50 miles this spring, but come fall it's all mine!

I actually had to hand mail my entry for JFK and instead of an email confirmation I got this. So old fashioned!
Anyone else doing any of these races? Want to join my relay team?!


  1. I'm excited you are in for JFK too! That sounds like a great fall lineup. I'm debating about adding a fall marathon too but thinking I'll be holding off until I get through the next two races and then decide!

  2. Hey, I'd seriously consider going on an adventure to be on your Ragnar relay team. Like- SERIOUSLY seriously. Let me know if this becomes a "real" thing because I'd take a little 12 hour road trip to rock this one out for sure.

  3. I ran the Baltimore Half and loved it. The hills didn't seem as bad as they looked in the elevation charts :)


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