Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Come Sweat With Me!

Okay folks, here's the deal. My Ragnar Cape Cod ultra team is short one runner and I'm looking for someone to join! Here is everything you need to know:

- The event is May 3-4

- This person would fill Runner #11 and #12 (26 miles)


- Either Runner #11 or #12 (10 miles and 16 miles respectively)...we're not picky, we'll take any help we can get!

- You get to hang out with myself and Sara for an awesomely sweaty 24-30 hours.

- This will be your running backdrop:

If you are interested in joining or know someone who is, please email me ASAP at!


  1. Aw man I'd totally do it but that's my alumni weekend and my sister and I have been planning it and looking forward to it for months! Good luck!

  2. We'll find someone!!! I will put it out there too and sucker somebody into having the BEST couple days of running EVER!!!

  3. Nice posting. Thanks for sharing such a nice article. Liked the post. keep it up.


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