Friday, April 26, 2013

Change of Plans

Sorry for my absence the last week. I have been in a full on, end of semester flurry of activity. I do so enjoy working a full 8 hour day and heading straight to the library for a couple of hours afterwards to research Hellenistic philosophy (sarcasm, if you can't tell).

As I mentioned last week, my team was looking for another runner for our Ragnar Cape Cod ultra team. So far, I have yet to participate in a Ragnar with a full team. The last two Ragnars I did, PA and DC, we had less than 12 people. Between making up those miles and night time pacing, I ran 30+ at each event. Last November Mike and I decided we should just go ahead and start an ultra team since we had been running ultra miles anyway.

Two weeks ago, one of our teammates got injured. I was stressed about finding someone, but was mentally prepared to run 38-40 miles if I needed to. Luckily the team member had the shortest legs, so it would have been doable. But this week another team member dropped due to injury. As much as I love long runs, splitting 200 miles among 4 people just isn't feasible, especially since I'm running the Delaware Marathon the following weekend, and would prefer to be somewhat recovered by then.

Initially I was heartbroken. I was really excited about this event. I've never been to Cape Cod and I was excited to hang out with everyone in the van. We could join another team, but they will likely want another registration fee and honestly, since I've only ever run ultra distances at these relays, I can't justify a trip up there and even more money spent for a measily 15 miles of legs. On top of that, I totally did not bother looking at the academic calendar for next weekend back in November when we registered. I have a final exam due the following Monday and last week my professor informed the class that she wasn't even going to distribute it until next Wednesday. So I would have basically had to rush to write it as soon as I returned from Boston on Sunday morning, when I would probably just want to pass out from exhaustion.

So, long story short, we are not running Ragnar Cape Cod next weekend. I am however, still taking next Thursday and Friday off work. I can write my final and be done by the weekend, which means I have a few more days to enjoy freedom before my summer class starts in mid-May.

Of course, since I was really looking forward to running an event next weekend, I had to go find something to fill it with:

Next Saturday I will be running the River Towns Marathon in Danville, PA. It was cheap, local-ish (2 horus away), and well reviewed. It is a very small race, which is perfect because I'm not trying to PR or run ridiculously fast (which large crowds tend to make me do). Call it a training run for the Delaware Marathon.

On a last note, I don't know how any ultra team makes it to the start of a relay race with all their runners intact!! What is their secret!?!


  1. The whole task of getting a team together seems to be what turned me off to the relay thing. When we ran Ragnar PA, we had 5 people and had a hard time finding a 6th. We finally found one and then had an injury, we were lucky that we still were able to find our 6th (add the fact that we did all women's too!) but getting people to commit is tough. I've had a few people want to do a Miles & Mutts team but when I was way short on people, I just axed the idea because I didn't want to deal with it. Sorry, long rant, and sorry you are missing Cape Cod but sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy!

  2. I ran the Rivertown Half Marathon last year! Be ready for a good hill at mile 6 but I bet you will crush it!! But overall it is small and nice out on back country roads! Have fun and enjoy the Festival afterwards :)

  3. Such a bummer about Ragnar but so glad you have a back up plan!

  4. I've heard similar things about relays and to be honest, I just don't see myself ever doing one. It's a lot of money to pay to "sleep" in a van. I love running, but I also love sleeping, In a nice soft bed.

    So back to back marathons again, huh? What makes them so freaking addicting?


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